BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Защита от коррозии трубопроводов, резервуаров и оборудова...
Защита от коррозии трубопроводов, резервуаров и оборудования - Зенцов В.Н., Лапшаков И.В., Шингаркина О.В., Асташина М.В. 2023 DJVU Москва; Вологда Инфра-Инженерия BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Защита от коррозии трубопроводов, резервуаров и оборудования
Author: Зенцов В.Н., Лапшаков И.В., Шингаркина О.В., Асташина М.В.
Year: 2023
Format: DJVU
File size: 23 MB
Language: RU

A description of the technology for applying and repairing the most common types of anti-corrosion protective coatings currently used in the oil and gas, petrochemical, construction and other industries is given. For students of universities and technical schools, as well as engineering workers of industrial enterprises and employees of research and design institutes of various industries involved in combating corrosion of pipelines, tanks and equipment.

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