BOOKS - Historien
Historien - Herodotus January 1, 451 PDF  BOOKS
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Author: Herodotus
Year: January 1, 451
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 5.6 MB

Het boek van de 'vader van de geschiedvorsing' Het boek is vermoedelijk zo rond 430 voor Christus geschreven. Vertaling in gemakkelijk leesbaar proza van het gehele werk van de Griekse geschiedschrijver (c. 485- c. 425 v. Chr.). Naast feiten besteedt hij veel aandacht aan de mens en zijn omgeving. Een inleiding over de schrijver en zijn werk, duidelijke kaarten, uitvoerige aantekeningen en een namenregister maken dit werk voor een ieder die echt is geinteresseerd in de Griekse oudheid tot een prettig leesbaar geheel.Book I (Clio)Rulers of Lydia How Gyges took the kingdom from Candaules The singer Arion's ride on the dolphin Solon's answer to Croesus's question Croesus's and u0026 his son Atys Croesus's test of the oracles Oracle of Delphi's answer to CroesusPeisistratos as tyrant of Athens Rise of Sparta Croesus's and u0026 Cyrus II of Persia Rulers of the Medes Deioces' rise over the Medes Astyages's attempt to destroy Cyrus and u0026 Cyrus's rise to power Harpagus tricked and u0026 his revenge against Astyages Persian culture History and u0026 geography of the Ionians, and u0026 Harpagus' attacksPactyes and u0026 the Lydians' revolt Culture of Assyria Cyrus's attack on Babylon Cyrus's ill-fated attack on the Massagetae Book II (Euterpe)Statue of Hathor and u0026 proof of Phrygian antiquity Geography of Egypt Speculations on the Nile river Teligious practices of Egypt as they differ from Greek Animals of Egypt Culture of Egypt Kings of Egypt Helen and u0026 Paris' stay in Egypt during the Trojan War More kings of Egypt The line of priests The Labyrinth More kings of Egypt Book III (Thalia)Ruins of PersepolisCambyses II's attack on Egypt and u0026 Psammetichus III's defeat Cambyses's abortive attack on Ethiopia Madness of Cambyses Good fortune of Polycrates king of Samos Periander of Corinth and u0026 Corcyra, and u0026 his obstinate son Revolt of the two Magi and u0026 the death of Cambyses Conspiracy of the seven to remove the Magi Rise of Darius I of Persia The twenty satrapies Culture of India and u0026 their method of collecting gold Culture of Arabia and u0026 their method of collecting spices The flooded valley with five gates Oroetes of Sardis' scheme against Polycrates The physician Democedes Rise of Syloson governor of Samos Revolt of Babylon and u0026 its defeat by the scheme of Zopyrus Book IV (Melpomene)History of the Scythians The miraculous poet Aristeas Geography of Scythia Inhabitants of regions beyond Scythia A comparison of Libya (Africa), Asia and u0026 Europe Rivers of Scythia Culture of the Scythians Beginning of Darius' attack on Scythia Brutal worship of Zalmoxis by the Getae Customs of the surrounding peoples Wooing of the Amazons by the Scyths forming the Sauromatae Darius's failed attack on Scythia and u0026 retreat Story of the Minyae and u0026 the founding of Cyrene Kings of Cyrene Peoples of Libya from east to west Revenge of Arcesilaus' mother Pheretima Book V (Terpsichore)Attack on the Thracians by Megabazus Removal of the Paeonians to Asia Slaughter of the Persian envoys by Alexander I of Macedon Failed attack on the Naxians by Aristagoras of Miletus Revolt of Miletus against Persia Background of Spartan king Cleomenes I and u0026 his brother Dorieus Description of the Persian Royal Road from Sardis to Susa Introduction of writing to Greece by the Phoenicians Freeing and u0026 subsequent attacking of Athens by Sparta Reorganizing the Athenian tribes by Cleisthenes Attack on Athens by the Thebans and u0026 Eginetans Backgrounds of the tyrants of Corinth Aristagoras' requests for help from Sparta and u0026 Athens Burning of Sardis and u0026 Darius's vow for revenge Persia's attempts to quell the Ionian revolt Book VI (Erato)MiltiadesFleeing of Histiaeus to Chios Training of the Ionian fleet by Dionysius of Phocaea Abandonment of the Ionian fleet by the Samians Defeat of the Ionian fleet by the Persians Capture and u0026 death of Histiaeus by Harpagus Invasion of Greece under Mardonius and u0026 enslavement of Macedon Destruction of 300 ships in Mardonius' fleet near Athos Darius' order that Greeks provide him earth and u0026 water Athenian request for assistance of Cleomenes of Sparta History behind Sparta having two kings Dethronement of Demaratus, the other king of Sparta Arrest of the traitors in Aegina by Cleomenes and u0026 Leotychides Suicide of Cleomenes in a fit of madness Battle between Aegina and u0026 Athens Taking of Eretria by the Persians Pheidippides's encounter with the god PanPlataean assistance and u0026 history of their alliance with Athens Athenian win at the Battle of Marathon Spartans late arrival to assist Athens History of the Alcmaeonidae Death of Miltiades Book VII (Polymnia)Darius' amassing of an army after learning of Marathon Quarrel about who should succeed Darius. Xerxes is chosen Death of Darius in 486 BC Defeat of Egyptian rebels by Xerxes Advice given to Xerxes on invading Greece Dreams of Xerxes Preparations for war Offer by Pythius to Xerxes Pythius' requests a son to stay home and u0026 Xerxes' rage Destruction and u0026 rebuilding of the bridges at Abydos The siding with Persia of many Greek states Refusal of aid by Gelo of Syracuse and u0026 by Crete Destruction of 400 Persian ships due to a storm Greek force led by Leonidas I sent to Thermopylae Battle of Thermopylae Secret pass divulged by Ephialtes of Trachis Retreat of all but the Spartans, Thespians and u0026 ThebansGreek defeat Book VIII (Urania)Greek fleet is led by the Spartan Eurybiades Destruction by storm of 200 ships sent to block Greek escape Retreat of the Greek fleet after word of Thermopylae Supernatural rescue of Delphi from a Persian attack Evacuation of Athens assisted by the fleet Reinforcement of the Greek fleet at Salamis Island Destruction of Athens by the Persian land forceBattle of Salamis Description of the Angarum, the Persian riding post Artemisia, Persian woman commander, and u0026 her council to Xerxes Vengeance of Hermotimus, Xerxes' eunuch, against Panionius Attack on Andros by Themistocles Escape of Xerxes who leaves behind troops under Mardonius Ancestry of Alexander I of Macedon Refusal of Alexander's attempt for Persian alliance w Athens Book IX (Calliope)Second taking of an evacuated Athens Evacuation to Thebes by Mardonius Masistius' slaying by the Athenians Warning from Alexander to the Greeks of impending attack Death of Mardonius by Aeimnestus Persian retreat to Thebes and u0026 battle of Plataea Description and u0026 dividing of the spoils Escape of Artabazus into Asia Persian defeat in Ionia by the Greek fleet and u0026 Ionian revolt Masistes' wife's mutilation ordered by Amestris, Xerxes' wife Death of Masistes after his intent to rebel Athenian blockade of Sestos and u0026 capture of Artayctes

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