BOOKS - VEGETABLE GARDEN AND FARMING - Календарь садовода-огородника на каждый день о...
Календарь садовода-огородника на каждый день от Павла Траннуа - Павел Траннуа 2016 FB2 | MOBI | EPUB М. Эксмо BOOKS VEGETABLE GARDEN AND FARMING
USDt 5.65


Календарь садовода-огородника на каждый день от Павла Траннуа
Author: Павел Траннуа
Year: 2016
Format: FB2 | MOBI | EPUB
File size: 10,1 MB
Language: RU

In this calendar, the author takes into account all the details - the climatic heterogeneity of our vast country, different levels in the development of the garden plot, different starts with plantings this year and even the cultivation of different varieties for each owner. For a successful season, you need a clear plan and recommendations, tested in practice!

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