BOOKS - SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT - Короткие шахматы 555 дебютных ошибок...
Короткие шахматы 555 дебютных ошибок - Мацукевич А.А. 2002 PDF Астрель; ACT BOOKS SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT
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Короткие шахматы 555 дебютных ошибок
Author: Мацукевич А.А.
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 15 MB

Master Anatoly Matsukevich's book collects and analyzes 555 instructive short chess matches played over the 500-year history of modern chess. Before you is a kind of textbook of debut wrestling, written for true chess lovers. There are practically no original errors. All the mistakes we are going to make have long been made by others. This book systematizes a collection of 555 typical opening blunders. It is probably impossible to avoid them, they are invincible. Through them, as through childhood diseases, both future world champions and those who forever remain only faithful chess lovers pass. However, to understand their mechanism, learn to avoid in your practice and skillfully use in the actions of the opponent - is this not the way to improve? Having studied this work, you will not fall into this or that trap, and do not make this or that mistake - learn from other people's mistakes! For a wide range of chess lovers.

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