BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Молекулярная физика и введение в термодинамику...
Молекулярная физика и введение в термодинамику - Мелешко Л.О. 1977 PDF Вышэйш. школа BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Молекулярная физика и введение в термодинамику
Author: Мелешко Л.О.
Year: 1977
Format: PDF
File size: 55,3 MB
Language: RU

The textbook is a systematic course in molecular physics and the foundations of thermodynamics. It is written taking into account the current program for students of physical specialties of pedagogical institutes. The book can be useful to university and technical students of physical, physical and technical, chemical and geological specialties, teachers of physics of secondary schools, graduate students, as well as other persons interested in molecular physics and thermodynamics.

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