BOOKS - RELIGION - Православные чудеса в XX веке
Православные чудеса в XX веке - Сост. Губанов С.А. 1999 DJVU Православный паломник BOOKS RELIGION
US $6.91

Православные чудеса в XX веке
Author: Сост. Губанов С.А.
Year: 1999
Number of pages: 383
Format: DJVU
File size: 96,80 MB
Language: RU

"Orthodox Miracles in the 20th Century" is a collection of evidence of miracles that happened to saints and sinners, to believers and atheists. False miracles are given an Orthodox assessment. For comparison and confirmation, descriptions of miracles from the nineteenth century are given. The miracles that are told in this book are amazing, incomprehensible. They affirm in faith only God everything is possible.

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