BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Микроконтроллеры AVR. Вводный курс. Перевод с английского...
Микроконтроллеры AVR. Вводный курс. Перевод с английского -  2006 DJVU | PDF М, Додэка-ХХI BOOKS EQUIPMENT
USDt 5.93


Микроконтроллеры AVR. Вводный курс. Перевод с английского
Year: 2006
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 10 MB

This edition is a practical guide for you to learn and then use Atmel's AVR microcontrollers. Whether you are a student looking to use an AVR microcontroller in your project or an experienced embedded developer who first encountered AVR, if you need to quickly understand these popular microcontrollers, this book is for you. To demonstrate the various capabilities of AVR, John Morton uses simple devices and programs. Unlike books that present a bare theory or simply reproduce proprietary technical documentation, this approach (in-use training) offers a quick and intuitive study of the capabilities of AVR microcontrollers. In total, the book covers 16 projects covering all the most popular AVR microcontrollers, including models of the Tiny family...

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