BOOKS - OS AND DB - Биометрия в MS Excel
Биометрия в MS Excel - Лебедько Е.Я., Хохлов А.М., Барановский Д.И., Гетманец О.М. 2020 2-е изд. PDF Лань BOOKS OS AND DB
USDt 8.57


Биометрия в MS Excel
Author: Лебедько Е.Я., Хохлов А.М., Барановский Д.И., Гетманец О.М.
Year: 2020 2-е изд.
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

The tutorial details the basics of using MS Excel to perform a large number of biometric calculations. The first part briefly repeats the basic concepts, provisions and definitions of biometrics and variational statistics. The second part shows the algorithms of biometric calculations and indicates the ways of their implementation using the MS Excel software.

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