BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - О чем молчат могилы. Книга четвертая. Возмездие...
О чем молчат могилы. Книга четвертая. Возмездие - Михаил Злобин 2021 FB2 | RTF Самиздат BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
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О чем молчат могилы. Книга четвертая. Возмездие
Author: Михаил Злобин
Year: 2021
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

Driven by hatred and thirst for revenge, the necromancer is very scary, believe me. There is no force in our world that can stop it. How can you resist someone who turns your faithful allies into obedient only to his undead will, and yesterday's reliable comrade suddenly becomes an implacable enemy today? How can you sleep peacefully when HE pursues you in the worst nightmares? And even death will not be able to save you from torment, because there, beyond, his power only becomes stronger.

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