BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Севастополь в июне 1942 года хроника осажденного города...
Севастополь в июне 1942 года хроника осажденного города - Нуждин О., Рузаев С. 2013 PDF Изд-во Уральского ун-та BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
US $6.62

Севастополь в июне 1942 года хроника осажденного города
Author: Нуждин О., Рузаев С.
Year: 2013
Format: PDF
File size: 17 MB

Today it is already difficult to count the number of books telling about the heroic defense of Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War (and - more broadly - during the Second World War, because German historians also write a lot about the "bloody harvest" that happened on the Crimean peninsula in the summer of 1942). These are pathos memoirs of participants, historical research, and works of art. However, I would like to believe that the chronicle prepared by the Ural researchers O. Nuzhdin and S. Ruzaev and telling both about the diverse activities of the city authorities of Sevastopol and the daily life of the townspeople, and about the situation at the front during the so-called Third Assault on the Primorsky Fortress, is not lost among other things book abundance on this topic.

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