BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Основы анализа электрических цепей. Нелинейные цепи...
Основы анализа электрических цепей. Нелинейные цепи - Матханов П.Н. 1977 PDF Высшая школа BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 8.64


Основы анализа электрических цепей. Нелинейные цепи
Author: Матханов П.Н.
Year: 1977
Format: PDF
File size: 126.7 MB
Language: RU

The content of the book corresponds to the program of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR in the theory of non-linear circuits of courses "Fundamentals of circuit theory" and "Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering." Intended as a teaching aid for students of electrical and radio engineering specialties of higher educational institutions.

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