BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Огневая подготовка
Огневая подготовка - Кисляк А.А., Поздняков Н.А., Горев В.Д. 2018 PDF Томский политехнический университет BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
USDt 6.62


Огневая подготовка
Author: Кисляк А.А., Поздняков Н.А., Горев В.Д.
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
File size: 24 MB
Language: RU

The manual is a detailed work program of the course and supporting notes (photos, diagrams, tables) by topic. Compiled in accordance with the requirements of manuals and manuals in the scope of training programs of the discipline "Fire training." Intended for students of military departments of educational institutions of higher professional education, where reserve sergeants are trained, with independent training, preparation for classes in the method of organizing classes as a platoon commander, as well as for practical shooting and throwing hand grenades during the training camp.

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