BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Ароматические амины структура, реакции окисления, применен...
Ароматические амины структура, реакции окисления, применение в аналитической химии - Бурмистрова Н.А., Панкратов А.Н., Муштакова С.П. 2016 PDF Саратовского университета BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
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Ароматические амины структура, реакции окисления, применение в аналитической химии
Author: Бурмистрова Н.А., Панкратов А.Н., Муштакова С.П.
Year: 2016
Format: PDF
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

The monograph presents from a modern perspective a variety of information on aromatic amines, including the spatial structure of molecules, acid-base, nucleophilic and redox properties, application, effects on human health, and biodegradation pathways. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities of predicting the properties of this group of compounds based on quantitative patterns and structure-property relationships, the current state and prospects of the analytical use of aromatic amines, including in kinetic, enzymatic methods of analysis and in the development of sensor systems.

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