BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - НЛО земного происхождения. От Третьего рейха до наших дней...
НЛО земного происхождения. От Третьего рейха до наших дней - Козырев М.Е., Козырев В.М. 2009 PDF Москва. Центрполиграф BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
USDt 6.65


НЛО земного происхождения. От Третьего рейха до наших дней
Author: Козырев М.Е., Козырев В.М.
Year: 2009
Format: PDF
File size: 55.8 MB
Language: RU

The book describes unusual aircraft schemes, which include: disc-like devices, "flying wings," aerospace vehicles, tiltrotor aircraft, lighter-than-air high-altitude vehicles, unmanned vehicles, "flying platforms," etc. Brief information about the appearance of the first reports of UFOs is given, a true history of the development of unusual aircraft in Germany during World War II is given, as well as in the post-war period in the USA, Canada, France and the USSR. The book is equipped with a large number of drawings and photographs.

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