BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - gRPC запуск и эксплуатация облачных приложений. Go и Java для D...
gRPC запуск и эксплуатация облачных приложений. Go и Java для Docker и Kubernetes - Касун Индрасири, Данеш Курупу Язык Русский от года обретая новых сторонников, облачно-ориентированные и микросервисные архитектуры PDF | EPUB | RTF Питер BOOKS PROGRAMMING
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gRPC запуск и эксплуатация облачных приложений. Go и Java для Docker и Kubernetes
Author: Касун Индрасири, Данеш Курупу
Year: Язык Русский от года обретая новых сторонников, облачно-ориентированные и микросервисные архитектуры
Format: PDF | EPUB | RTF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

Gaining new supporters from year to year, cloud-oriented and microservice architectures have become the basis of modern IT. Such a transition significantly influenced the structure of communications. Now applications are often connected to each other over the network, and this happens using inter-process communication technologies. One of the most popular and effective technologies of this kind is gRPC, but there is not enough information about it. So it was until this book came out! Finally, architects and developers will be able to figure out in detail how gRPC technology is arranged "under the hood," and for this you do not have to rake out dozens of outdated links in a search engine.

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