BOOKS - HISTORY - Оборотни в эполетах. Тысяча лет Российской коррупции...
Оборотни в эполетах. Тысяча лет Российской коррупции - Александр Бушков 2021 FB2 | RTF Эксмо BOOKS HISTORY
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Оборотни в эполетах. Тысяча лет Российской коррупции
Author: Александр Бушков
Year: 2021
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

Corruption is corrosive, contagious and long-term. So far, not a single ruler in the world has managed to exterminate it cleanly. Russia, of course, in this regard is not very different from the rest. In the most ancient historical documents, works of art, painting and literature that have come down to us, you can, if you wish, find signs of this immortal infection. Small officials, landowners, nobles, and nobles close to the royal family stole. Generals, military leaders and heroes sung by poets were fond of embezzlement. Governors, large bankers and industrialists came up with fraudulent schemes... For many, very many there was this sin. Has anything changed today? Scale, amounts, social status of corrupt officials? Draw your own conclusions. In the meantime - immerse yourself in this enchanting world of golden epaulettes, light-filled palaces, luxurious balls and beautiful ladies - there! sweaty little hands of greedy bribe-takers, crooks and brilliant thieves trembled and sweated in anticipation of free money...

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