BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Без стресса. Техники и упражнения для преодоления нега...
Без стресса. Техники и упражнения для преодоления негативных эмоций - Илья Качай, Павел Федоренко 2021 PDF Издательские решения BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Без стресса. Техники и упражнения для преодоления негативных эмоций
Author: Илья Качай, Павел Федоренко
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 40 MB
Language: RU

This book contains both already published techniques and exercises for overcoming stress (but in an supplemented and expanded form), and previously unreleased practical methods of coping with stressful emotions and reactions. The work also outlines ways to change distorted thoughts and irrational beliefs that cause excessive - frequent, long-term and intense - negative emotions of anxiety, anger, resentment, depression, guilt and shame, which lead to both acute and chronic stress.

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