BOOKS - HISTORY - Ногайцы XXI век. История. Язык. Культура. От истоков - к грядущему...
Ногайцы XXI век. История. Язык. Культура. От истоков - к грядущему - Суюнова Н.Х., Керейтов Р.Х., Кукаева С.А. (отв. ред.) 2016 PDF Черкесск Карачаево-Черкесский государственный университет им. У.Д. Алиева BOOKS HISTORY
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Ногайцы XXI век. История. Язык. Культура. От истоков - к грядущему
Author: Суюнова Н.Х., Керейтов Р.Х., Кукаева С.А. (отв. ред.)
Year: 2016
Format: PDF
File size: 19 MB
Language: RU

The collection includes materials from the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Nogais: XXI Century. History. Language. Culture. From the origins to the future," which became the result of scientific research by humanities scientists of the North Caucasus, other regions of Russia, academic institutions of Moscow, countries of the Central Asian and East European regions, devoted to the problems of studying the historical, cultural, socio-economic and political development of Nogai society in historical and modern aspects, in connection with the history and culture of many peoples, in close contacts with which the centuries-old historical fate of the ethnic group was made full of triumphs and losses.

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