BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Цивилизационные картины мира в контексте культурно-коммуни...
Цивилизационные картины мира в контексте культурно-коммуникативных формул - Завьялова Н.А. 2021 DJVU Екатеринбург Уральский федеральный университет BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
USDt 8.75


Цивилизационные картины мира в контексте культурно-коммуникативных формул
Author: Завьялова Н.А.
Year: 2021
Format: DJVU
File size: 16 MB
Language: RU

The monograph is devoted to the description of communication strategies that formed the basis of the popular layer of culture of China and Japan. The author focuses on such phenomena as the genesis of the culture of China and Japan, reflecting the evolution of cultural forms. Based on the analysis of cultural and communication formulas using data from electronic online buildings, the author attempts to create a model of the sociocultural space of China and Japan, describing the concepts of culture involved in the preservation and broadcast of cultural values ​ ​ and meanings of modern Far Eastern civilizations.

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