BOOKS - HISTORY - Орден иезуитов в Латинской Америке XVII-XIX веков на примере Эквадо...
Орден иезуитов в Латинской Америке XVII-XIX веков на примере Эквадора - Галибина-Лебедева Е.С. 2014 PDF/DJVU Наука BOOKS HISTORY
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Орден иезуитов в Латинской Америке XVII-XIX веков на примере Эквадора
Author: Галибина-Лебедева Е.С.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF/DJVU
File size: 53.6 MB
Language: RU

One of the most influential and controversial Catholic orders - the Jesuit Order - has always remained a mystery to both its contemporaries and historians of the 21st century. Who are the Jesuits, what are their goals and objectives, what is their ideology? Of particular interest is the activities of this Order in missions around the world, especially in Latin America since the 16th century. It was on this continent that the Jesuits managed to build their own state on the basis of a synthesis of high Christian values ​ ​ and communist industrial relations, thus becoming the successors of the traditions of the Great Inca Empire. The work convincingly proves that this method of state building turned out to be very effective: the Jesuit state lasted more than a century and a half and was destroyed only by the powerful forces of the Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms, behind the scenes directed by Masonic lodges, which are shock units of Anglo-Saxon Protestantism. The Jesuit Order lost that battle, but the war was not lost... This monograph, based on a large number of sources, offers its readers a completely new look at the activities of the Jesuit Order. This book is not limited to the period of the New Age, and the narrative will captivate the reader in modern times, where the confrontation between the two old antagonists - Christianity (where the origins and communist ideas largely come from) and Anglican Protestantism, based on the ideas of liberalism, remains relevant. And in this light, the election of the new Pope Francis - for the first time in the history of a member of the Jesuit Order and a native of Latin America - takes on a special meaning.

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