BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Мотивы преступлений. Уголовно-правовое и социально-пси...
Мотивы преступлений. Уголовно-правовое и социально-психологическое исследование - Волков Б.С. 1982 PDF Казанского университета BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Мотивы преступлений. Уголовно-правовое и социально-психологическое исследование
Author: Волков Б.С.
Year: 1982
Format: PDF
File size: 67,97 MB
Language: RU

The work reveals the socio-psychological content of the motive and its multidimensional nature, the place of the motive in the structure of the personality and its behavior, describes the most common motives for committing crimes (revenge, jealousy, self-interest, etc.) and shows their criminal legal and criminological significance. It widely uses materials of concrete sociological research and judicial practice.

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