BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Планиметрия. Пособие для углубленного изучения математики....
Планиметрия. Пособие для углубленного изучения математики. Издания 1 и 2 -  2005, 2017 DJVU | PDF М, ФИЗМАТЛИТ BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 8.70


Планиметрия. Пособие для углубленного изучения математики. Издания 1 и 2
Year: 2005, 2017
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 20 MB

This manual provides a systematic presentation of an in-depth course in planimetry. Along with the basic geometric information included in the standard school curriculum in geometry, there is a lot of additional material that expands and deepens the basic information. The style of presentation adopted in the manual is noticeably different from the traditional one: the theorem is a proof...

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