BOOKS - The Island Castle: An uplifting and heartwarming short romantic comedy set in...
The Island Castle: An uplifting and heartwarming short romantic comedy set in Scotland (Primrose Island Short Novellas) (Primrose Island Novellas) - Holly Wyld Expected publication July 18, 2023 PDF  BOOKS
US $6.74

The Island Castle: An uplifting and heartwarming short romantic comedy set in Scotland (Primrose Island Short Novellas) (Primrose Island Novellas)
Author: Holly Wyld
Year: Expected publication July 18, 2023
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 656 KB
Language: English

? Welcome to Primrose Island! If you like heartwarming short stories, laugh-out-loud romantic comedy, characters to fall in love with - and wild, beautiful Scottish settings... you've come to the right place! ? The Island Castle - Primrose Island Novellas "You know how I said the Vikings were coming, Angus?""Aye.""Well, I think they're here..." The spectacular Dornie Castle across the tidal causeway from Primrose Island has a trio of new the Hansen brothers from Norway. The brothers won the castle in a dubious bet - but unfortunately for the old castle, none of them are remotely serious about becoming its custodians. Hackles are raising and feathers are ruffling all over the island. But none of that is going to stop Elspeth McGillicuddy from embarking on a match-making frenzy. Because if Elspeth McGillicuddy can find each of these bachelor brothers a romantic match on Primrose Island? Well, they might very well decide to stick around... mightn't they? ? THE PRIMROSE ISLAND NOVELLAS ? ? Heartwarming, standalone short stories ? Laugh-out-loud romantic comedy ? Wildly beautiful Scottish settings ? Characters to fall in love with Perfect for fans of Scottish Highland romantic comedies from Jenny Colgan, Rachael Lucas, Lisa Hobman and Julie Shackman.

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