BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Письмо и чтение. Трудности обучения и коррекция...
Письмо и чтение. Трудности обучения и коррекция - Д.И. Фельдштейн 2004 DJVU Московский психолого-социальный институт BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
USDt 8.86


Письмо и чтение. Трудности обучения и коррекция
Author: Д.И. Фельдштейн
Year: 2004
Format: DJVU
File size: 10.5 MB
Language: RU

This tutorial covers a wide range of writing and reading disorders and correction issues in both children with speech, hearing, vision, and RRV disorders and adults who have writing and reading difficulties that are associated with stuttering or aphasia. The proposed collection is addressed to teachers - speech therapists, defectologists and students of defectological faculties.

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