BOOKS - HISTORY - Беларускі Архіў. Т. 3 Менскія акты. (XV-XVIII ст.)...
Беларускі Архіў. Т. 3 Менскія акты. (XV-XVIII ст.) - коллектив авторов 1930 PDF Менск Выданьне Беларускае Акадэміі Навук BOOKS HISTORY
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Беларускі Архіў. Т. 3 Менскія акты. (XV-XVIII ст.)
Author: коллектив авторов
Year: 1930
Format: PDF
File size: 17.72 MB
Language: BelRU

The collection contains acts of the Vilnius Commission for the analysis and publication of ancient acts; acts relating to the history of Western and Southwestern Russia; a collection of ancient acts and acts of cities of the Minsk province. Documents collected by the Archaeographic Commission of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences.