BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Самые красивые мужчины нашего времени. Герои, о которы...
Самые красивые мужчины нашего времени. Герои, о которых мы мечтаем
Author: Татьяна Киреенкова
Year: 2012
Format: PDF
File size: 51.8 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2012
Format: PDF
File size: 51.8 MB
Language: RU
The best gift for a woman is a beautiful man! And better at once 20! This book is a dream come true for the perfect prince. Free or married - but how nice it is to pick up this book in the evening and dream, going on a "secret date" with one of the sexiest men in the world! Numerous gorgeous photos will allow you to enjoy every centimeter of male perfection! The publication is dedicated to all the idols of the beautiful half of humanity of our time: football player David Beckham and models David Gandhi, Vladimir Mashkov, Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt, Matthew Fox, Daniil Strakhov, Enrique Iglesias, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Igor yu Petrenko, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, etc.