BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Повседневная жизнь осажденного Ленинграда в дневниках очев...
Повседневная жизнь осажденного Ленинграда в дневниках очевидцев и документах -  2019 PDF/DJVU М. «Кучково поле» BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
USDt 6.94


Повседневная жизнь осажденного Ленинграда в дневниках очевидцев и документах
Year: 2019
Format: PDF/DJVU
File size: 19,6 MB

The presented work shows the daily life of besieged Leningrad, the blockade of which lasted 872 days. In letters, diaries and memoirs of Leningraders, a picture of the life of the city under the blockade is recreated: evacuation, the efforts of the authorities and ordinary Leningraders in the fight against hunger and cold, the creation of the Road of Life on the ice of Lake Ladoga in the winter of 1941-1942, the establishment of communication with the "mainland" and the heroic attempts of the Red Army and militias to break the blockade, culminating in a powerful offensive and defeat of German troops near Leningrad in January 1944

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