BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Формирование токопроводящих контактных соединений в изделиях элек...
Формирование токопроводящих контактных соединений в изделиях электроники - Ланин В.Л., Достанко А.П., Телеш Е.В. 2007 PDF Качество хорошееВ монографии обобщены результаты исследований и разработок в области теории, техноло BOOKS EQUIPMENT
US $6.79

Формирование токопроводящих контактных соединений в изделиях электроники
Author: Ланин В.Л., Достанко А.П., Телеш Е.В.
Year: 2007
Format: PDF
File size: 18 MB

The monograph summarizes the results of research and development in the field of theory, technology and equipment for the formation of contact connections in electronics products. Technological processes and equipment for making solder joints using intensifying effects in a wide frequency range are considered. The publication is intended for engineers and technicians of electronic and other industries, specialists of research institutes, graduate students, undergraduates and senior students of technical universities.

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