BOOKS - Home to Wyoming (Daddy Dude Ranch, #2)
Home to Wyoming (Daddy Dude Ranch, #2) - Rebecca Winters September 1, 2013 PDF  BOOKS
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Home to Wyoming (Daddy Dude Ranch, #2)
Author: Rebecca Winters
Year: September 1, 2013
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 744 KB
Language: English

It's Never Too Late Wounded in love and war, ex-marine Buck Summerhayes wants to put the past behind him. He finds peace working at the Teton Valley Dude Ranch, a special place for families of fallen soldiers. Maybe one day, he'll have a family of his own - right now he can't afford to indulge in dreams. Alexis Wilson is no dream. Tasked with overseeing Alex and her young ward during their visit to the ranch, Buck finds himself falling for both the woman and the little girl. Like Buck, Alex has had more than her share of heartache. But maybe between them, they can build a future that's still full of possibilities.

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