BOOKS - HISTORY - История Латинской Америки. С древнейших времен до начала ХХ века...
История Латинской Америки. С древнейших времен до начала ХХ века - Альперович М., Слезкин Л. 1981 PDF Высшая школа BOOKS HISTORY
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История Латинской Америки. С древнейших времен до начала ХХ века
Author: Альперович М., Слезкин Л.
Year: 1981
Format: PDF
File size: 11,72 MB
Language: RU

This work sets out the history of Latin America, from ancient Indian civilizations to the period of modern history. Separate chapters are devoted to the pre-Columbian civilizations of America, the era of the discovery and conquest of the West Indies, South and Central America by Europeans, the colonial period of the XVI-XVIII centuries, the war for the independence of the Spanish colonies and the liberation movement in Brazil. The authors consider the history of the 19th century in relation to each of the largest countries of the continent - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico. The study ends with the years of World War I and the events of the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917.

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