BOOKS - TECHNOLOGY - Совершенное описание строения мельниц...
Совершенное описание строения мельниц - Штурм Л.К. 1782 PDF Сенатская типография (Москва) BOOKS TECHNOLOGY
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Совершенное описание строения мельниц
Author: Штурм Л.К.
Year: 1782
Format: PDF
File size: 58.21 MB
Language: RU

A perfect description of the structure of the mills, which shows in detail: I. All the rules are necessary for practice and not well known. II. Conveniences that should be observed when laying water wheels to different machines. III. What especially needs to be corrected in bread, cereals, paper, powder, sawing, grinding mills, in oil mills, grinding mills, etc.

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