987616865161 YOULIBR - Деловое общение П.К. Магомедова, А.С. Шапиева, Ш.И. Булуева, А.А. Цамаева PDF 2021 BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY delovoe-obschenie
Деловое общение - П.К. Магомедова, А.С. Шапиева, Ш.И. Булуева, А.А. Цамаева 2021 PDF Язык РусскийВ пособии раскрываются основы психологии общения, психология деятельности, деловое общен BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
US $8.87

Деловое общение
Author: П.К. Магомедова, А.С. Шапиева, Ш.И. Булуева, А.А. Цамаева
Year: 2021
Number of pages: 252
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

The manual reveals the basics of the psychology of communication, psychology of activity, business communication as a socio-psychological mechanism of interaction in professional activity, also considers the components of the communicative competence of a modern specialist - "communicative culture," comprehensively covers the concept of "communication," considers types and forms of communication, its structure and psychological mechanisms, as well as communication styles. The content of the discipline is set out in two sections and includes material for control, meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. The publication is intended for undergraduates of pedagogical universities, graduate students, as well as teachers and students of universities and colleges.

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