BOOKS - FOR CHILDREN AND PARENTS - Как искали Полярный круг
Как искали Полярный круг - Рытхэу Юрий Сергеевич 1978 PDF Детская литература BOOKS FOR CHILDREN AND PARENTS
US $5.94

Как искали Полярный круг
Author: Рытхэу Юрий Сергеевич
Year: 1978
Number of pages: 97
Format: PDF
File size: 18,88 MB
Language: RU

Chukchi boy's name is Yoo. Translated into Russian, this means - Lord of the Winds. He is still small, this master, does not even go to school. But, judging by how Yoo fearlessly sets off on a journey beyond the Arctic Circle, how he helps to build an antenna and how interesting he lives, he will live up to his name...

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