BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Обработка резанием жаропрочных и нержавеющих материалов...
Обработка резанием жаропрочных и нержавеющих материалов - Подураев В.Н. 1965 DJVU М., Высшая школа BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 5.61


Обработка резанием жаропрочных и нержавеющих материалов
Author: Подураев В.Н.
Year: 1965
Format: DJVU
File size: 12.3 MB
Language: RU

The tutorial describes the basic principles of the cutting doctrine in relation to the specifics of the production of machines from heat-resistant and stainless materials. The course of processing materials by cutting is considered as part of the course of engineering technology, in which the whole set of technological processes for the manufacture of products is studied. Currently, this branch of knowledge is so developed that each type of technological process is devoted to the main course. So the courses of foundry, welding, forging and press production, assembly are distinguished separately. A similar place is occupied by the course of processing materials by cutting. The sequence of presentation of the material is the same in all chapters: at first the essence of the physical phenomenon is described, its manifestation in the processing of ordinary carbon structural steels and on the basis of this - specific laws of cutting heat-resistant and stainless steels and alloys.

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