BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Научно-технические разработки ОКБ-23 - КБ «Салют» Выпуск I...
Научно-технические разработки ОКБ-23 - КБ «Салют» Выпуск I -  2006 PDF Воздушный транспорт BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Научно-технические разработки ОКБ-23 - КБ «Салют» Выпуск I
Year: 2006
Format: PDF
File size: 228 MB
Language: RU

dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the GKNP named after M.V. Khrunichev and the 55th anniversary of the OKB-23 - KB "Salyut" is dedicated. Collection of articles by employees of the GKNPC named after M.V. Khrunichev, summarizing some scientific and technical developments carried out in this organization, ranging from the aircraft theme of the 50s (heavy aircraft V.M. Myasishchev) to the rocket and space theme of the present time (RN "Proton," "Angara," hypersonic missiles "Buran" (product 40), overclocking "Breeze-M" units). The composition of the articles did not cover all the numerous developments that served as the scientific basis for the creation of various products in this organization over the past 55 years of the existence of Salyut Design Bureau.

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