BOOKS - Linus Pauling Protocol for Heart Disease Linus Pauling Therapy For Heart Dise...
Linus Pauling Protocol for Heart Disease Linus Pauling Therapy For Heart Disease — Dr Matthias Rath Pauling-Rath Lysine - Dr. Linus Pauling Heart Protocol , Lysine, Vitamin C, Proline Dosage - Linus Pauling 2023 PDF  BOOKS
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Linus Pauling Protocol for Heart Disease Linus Pauling Therapy For Heart Disease — Dr Matthias Rath Pauling-Rath Lysine - Dr. Linus Pauling Heart Protocol , Lysine, Vitamin C, Proline Dosage
Author: Linus Pauling
Year: 2023
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 396 KB
Language: English

Linus Pauling Protocol For Heart Disease Linus Pauling Therapy For Heart Disease Linus Pauling Protocol Dr Matthias Rath Pauling Rath Lysine Dr Linus Pauling Heart Protocol Lysine Dosage w Dr Matthias Rath Linus Pauling Protocol For Heart Disease Linus Pauling Therapy For Heart Disease Linus Pauling Protocol Dr Matthias Rath Pauling Rath Lysine Dr Linus Pauling Heart Protocol Lysine Dosage w Dr Matthias Rath Linus Pauling Nobel Laureate s Transcribed Lecture in 1993 on Vitamin C and Lysine Proline This lecture was given in Stanford Medical School in California USA in 1993 when Linus Pauling was 92 years old Linus Pauling and Dr Matthias Rath were the inventor Linus Pauling Protocol for Heart Disease that it should be possible to get thenearly complete control ofcardiovascular disease two and a halfyears agoI was in a meeting of the NationalAcademy of Sciences in the United Statesthere was a little celebration there ofmy 90th birthday and the 58thanniversary of my membership in theNational Academy of Sciences USAI was in the hallway of the academybuilding and another member of theacademy came up to mehe saidDr PaulingIhaveheart diseasemy brother and my father both died ofheart attacks I am a biochemist but Iwas retired from the National Institutesof Health several years ago fordisability because of my heart I ve hadthree bypass operations my saphenousveins have been used up so I can t haveany more bypass operations I like towalkbutI have trouble because after I walked alittle way or I developed the in Chinapicturespain in my heart if I take a microglycerin tablet I can walk a littlefarther and then I may have to takeanother nitroglycerin tablethe went on to sayI ve been taking vitamin Csix grams a day or five five grams a dayfor several years because of yourrecommendationum is there something else that I coulddothat would permit me to walkso I said wellI can make a suggestionnever been tried beforetake lysine the amino acid lysine well Ididn t need to tell him what lysine wasand that some essential amino acid andyou have to get around the gram a day tobe in good health and you get in yourfoodsbecause he he s one of the mostdistinguished biochemists in the UnitedStates recipients of the national medalof Science in the United Statesso he said how much shall I takeI thoughtherewhat do I know I know that people get agrammar too in their food depending uponhow much meat and fish they eat and thatit s essential they have together aroundone gramuh it hasn t been in known toxicity inanimals or human beingsso I ll make a guess I said five gramsfive grams a dayso he thanked mea couple of months later he telephone meand said it s almost miraculous Istarted taking a gram a day and then twograms and so on within a month after Ihad reached five grams a day of Lysinein addition to my five grams of vitaminCuh I can walktwo miles without any nitroglycerintablets or without any pain in the chesthe said he had cut down the amount ofheart medicine he was taking him halfit s almost miraculous he saidsoanother couple of months went by and hetelephoned me and saidI was feeling so good the other day thatI cut down a big tree in our yard andwas chopping it up for wood and I wasalso painting their house and I gotchest painsdespite his five grams of Lysine and thevitamins so he said so I went up to sixgrams a day of Lysine and six grams ofvitamin C and now I m continuingchopping down the chopping up the treeand painting the house and now a coupleof years later he s still in fine healthandso I published this case historyand theanother heart patient wrote to me well Ihave to go into detail about her Music she suffered from stressand Chinashe had a television show and if shewere under stress and connection withthe television show she had to take anelectric glycerin tablets if she climbeda flight of stairs her chest would hurtand she had to take she was taking sixor sevennitroglycerin tablets a day for severalyearsalso she was taking vitamin Cand she said when she read the articleabout the first patient she started onlysineshe has PhD in chemistry and was theprofessor of chemistry in the NewBrunswick University of New Brunswick inFredericton New Brunswick Canadaand she saidwithin three weeks after she had reachedthree grams of Lysine per day she wasable to go all day despite stressfuloccurrences without taking an initialglycerinand that she was setting off with herhusband on a three month trip around theworld she s 67 years old 68 years oldnowso that account was published andalso another patient so that I sent gointo detail about who the patient whohad hadtwo extensive bypass operations and wastold that he was in bad shape with hisarteries clogged to the coronary arteryclogged themthat he was not a candidate for anotherbypass operation or for anotherangioplastyhe was living in the same town as thefirst patient and friends told him aboutthe first patient so he went to see himand he said it s almost miraculouswithin a month after he had reached fivegrams of Lysine per day he was writinghim to town from his house somewhat outin the country several times a week onhis bicycle a Nine Mile round tripand was feeling fine no longer justwaiting around for his impending demiseas thePhysicians had recommendedhim to dowellI don t know that there s need for arandomized prospective double blindcontrol trial when you get to evidenceit was this sort about the value oflarge intakes of vitamin C and also ofLysine for preventing the deposition ofatherosclerotic plaques and preventingdeath from cardiovasculardiseaseI recommendI recommend that every person everyadult takes three grams of vitamin C perdayand smaller amounts for childrenproportional to body weightthatevery person who is at risk for onereason or another from heart disease atake perhaps not only the vitamin C fiveor six grams of vitamin C per day butalso uhtwo grams or more of Lysine per day twograms May well beeffective prophylactically for peoplewho have not had heart attacks butlarger amounts might be needed forpeople who are at greater riskfor cardiovascular diseaseso I believe that it should be possibleat any rate in the developed countrieswho are prosperous enough to be able toafford the rather small amounts of moneyneeded for the vitamin C and the lysineto geta large amount of prophylactic actionagainst cardiovascular disease andagainst other diseases also and anincrease in the lengths oflife the length of the period of reallygood health of well beingso I am very optimistic about the futureso far as cardiovascular disease coursethank you of coursethank you I hope you ve been impressedby the logic of this new approach to thetreatment and prevention ofcardiovascular disease it involves theaddition of vitamin C and lysinesupplementsthe lysine prevents lipoprotein a fromsticking to the walls of the arteriesand vitamin C helps to lower circulatinglevels of lipoprotein aDr Pauling recommends three grams ofvitamin C and one gram of Lysine per dayas a general preventative doseand for those with cardiovascularproblems he recommends six grams ofvitamin C and three grams of Lysineboth are natural constituents of foodneither are unsafe even at dosesconsiderably higher than these levelsif you do however have cardiovasculardisease we recommend you carry out thisadvice under the guidance of yourphysiciantogether with a well balanced diet andsupplement program high in otherantioxidant nutrients such as Vitamin Eand vitamin A you ve just heard the layyou ve just Music good afternoon welcome to the showthis is a technology hour and I m yourhost Renwe ve got a great show planned for youtoday I m here with Owen bonaro andwe re going to be discussing somefabulous breakthrough information forfolks that might be suffering from allkinds of things but one any type ofheart disease welcome to the show thankyou thank you for having me yeah oh I mso excited to share this informationwith our listening audience because uhwe just don t get to hear about this toomuch and I know soon enough it ll be ina lot of uh you know magazines and soforth and uh I know you ve been doingradio shows here right and televisionshows recentlyum yeah I can t explain that and maybeafter listening people could try to uhmaybe they ll have some ideas on theirown because this is really not a newideaum the idea that there is a the cause ofvitamin of heart disease might have moreto do with vitamin C than any othersingle Factorand that s what I ll be trying to talkabout todayokay and it s interesting how you becameinvolved in this uh because you are theCEO and co founder of the direct as theDirector of the vitamin C Foundationwhich is the Linus paulingsum well what we try to do is yeah wetried to take up when uh line is fallingpassed awaythe function that he he was monitoringall the science on vitamin C and ifthere was any maybe false orquestionable information he d get youknow get right on him that s what we tryto do because there seems to be everyonce in a while there ll bemisinformation in the media aboutvitamin C and so we check on it try tokeep the the most up to date validinformation our websitevitamincfoundation orgwell you know what that occurs to meit s quite likely since more and morepeople areum seeking out information that maybethe vitamin C in this whole idea oflooking at heart disease from adifferent point of view because so manypeople trusted drugs in the past and nowwe find that there s this you know alltimes the vitamin C that is importantfor uh getting rid of the C reactiveprotein as a chlamydia that we ve gotthe tests on homocysteine now all candetermineyou know really if we re in a heartdisease process that s right and it doesI don t want to feel any Thunder from DrThomas Levy who s written a terrificbook called vitamin C infectiousdiseases and toxinsbut he had he was a he s a cardiologistand he analyzed 27 known cardiovascularrisk factors and reduce them all to asingle Factorlow vitamin C and he s actually workingon a book that s going to connectvitamin C and heart disease and I thinkat that point uh as good a writer as heis that that may have the kind of impactthat we ve been waiting for for about adecade now

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