BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Два византийских военных трактата конца X века...
Два византийских военных трактата конца X века - Кучма В.В. (ред.) 2002 PDF Алетейя BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Два византийских военных трактата конца X века
Author: Кучма В.В. (ред.)
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 16.5 MB
Language: RU

The book is a translation of two military scientific works that date back to the last quarter of the 10th century. The earlier treatise "De velitatione bellica" was the first and only time published in a Russian translation in 1820. The treatise "De castrametatione," which is approximately a decade away from it, has never been fully translated into Russian: the first 8 chapters of this work published in 1903 by Yu. A. Kulakovsky make up no more than one third of its total volume.

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