BOOKS - BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - Мировые финансовые кризисы Мании, паники и крахи...
Мировые финансовые кризисы Мании, паники и крахи - Киндлбергер Ч., Алибер Р. 2010 DJVU СПб. Питер BOOKS BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
US $9.65

Мировые финансовые кризисы Мании, паники и крахи
Author: Киндлбергер Ч., Алибер Р.
Year: 2010
Format: DJVU
File size: 23 MB
Language: RU

The book analyzes in great detail the causes and stages of crises, stock mania, the largest speculation in world history, when the situation in financial markets, or even in entire countries, was on the verge of collapse. The work is recognized as a classic of world business literature - both timely and timeless. The Financial Times calls it one of the best investment books in history.