BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Алексей Михайлович. Тишайший царь с железной хваткой...
Алексей Михайлович. Тишайший царь с железной хваткой - Савинова Е.Н. 2014 PDF М. АСТ-Пресс BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Алексей Михайлович. Тишайший царь с железной хваткой
Author: Савинова Е.Н.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 19 MB
Language: RU

Contemporaries nicknamed this king Tishayshim, noting his good disposition and calm character. However, the century in which he had to rule was not at all quiet: urban uprisings, church schism, Stepan Razin's bloody war - dramatic events followed one after another, threatening the unity of the country. The king personally participated in resolving the problems that arose, and his methods were tough. He managed to do the main thing - to strengthen the Russian autocracy and restore the state weakened during the Troubles. Alexei Mikhailovich "calmed down" Russia and thereby prepared it for large-scale transformations carried out by his son, Emperor Peter I.

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