BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Математика для поступающих в экономические и другие вузы...
Математика для поступающих в экономические и другие вузы - Кремер Н. Ш. , Константинова О. Г. , Фридман М. Н. 2015 - 8-е изд., перераб. и доп. PDF OCR Юнити BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Математика для поступающих в экономические и другие вузы
Author: Кремер Н. Ш. , Константинова О. Г. , Фридман М. Н.
Year: 2015 - 8-е изд., перераб. и доп.
Format: PDF OCR
File size: 30 MB
Language: RU

The purpose of the manual is to assist applicants in preparing for the Unified State Exam (USE) and entrance examinations in mathematics at economic and other universities. The eighth edition of the manual includes about 20 new USE tests (215 new test tasks). In part I of the manual, each chapter contains reference material and guidelines, tasks with solutions and for independent work. Part II contains recommendations for preparing for the Unified State Exam and entrance tests and more than 280 tests (with solutions for about 100 test tasks of groups A, B, C) and tasks of varying complexity offered at the Unified State Exam (2001-2008) and at entrance tests at VZFEI, Moscow State University, REA, FA, GUU, MGIMO, MESI, SU-HSE for the last 10 years (1999-2008). The appendices contain the Mathematics Program for applicants to universities and the content of the USE test tasks.

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