BOOKS - RELIGION - Когда мудрость войдет в сердце твое… библейские советы, помогающие...
Когда мудрость войдет в сердце твое… библейские советы, помогающие в жизни - сост. Терещенко Т.Н. 2014 PDF Даръ BOOKS RELIGION
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Когда мудрость войдет в сердце твое… библейские советы, помогающие в жизни
Author: сост. Терещенко Т.Н.
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU

The book "When Wisdom Enters Your Heart..." is a selection of moralizing quotes from the Old and New Testaments about the important issues of human life and the problems that people somehow face on their earthly path. It contains the instructions of the wise king Solomon, excerpts from the Gospel and the Epistles of the holy apostles, the psalms of King David and the books of the ancient prophets. The reader learns about how to reasonably treat poverty and wealth, how to raise children and honor parents, how to create and maintain a strong and friendly family, how to overcome human weaknesses and vices, how to deal with drunkenness, envy, anger, hypocrisy, while cultivating the virtues of love, mercy, generosity and responsiveness.

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