BOOKS - BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - Экономика предприятия Тесты, задачи, ситуации...
Экономика предприятия Тесты, задачи, ситуации - Горфинкель В.Я., Чернышев Б.Н. (ред.) 2009 - 5-е изд. PDF М. Юнити-Дана BOOKS BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
US $5.68

Экономика предприятия Тесты, задачи, ситуации
Author: Горфинкель В.Я., Чернышев Б.Н. (ред.)
Year: 2009 - 5-е изд.
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

The textbook "Enterprise Economics" complements the textbook. The manual includes such important topics as "Small enterprises and their development," "Types, forms and methods of organization of production," "Economic mechanism of enterprise management," "Practical marketing at the enterprise," "Information technologies in enterprise management," "Innovation and their life cycle," "Financial management at the enterprise," "Accounting and reporting at the enterprise," etc.

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