BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Карпатська Січ військове формування Карпатської України (M...
US $9.67
Карпатська Січ військове формування Карпатської України (Militaria Ucrainica)
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 84 MB
Language: ukranian
Format: PDF
File size: 84 MB
Language: ukranian
The book is dedicated to one of the little-researched pages of the history of Ukraine on the eve of World War II - the military formation of the Carpathian Ukraine of the Carpathian Sich. Based on a wide range of still unknown archival documents and materials, the participation of the Carpathian sechiks in the defense of independent Carpathian Ukraine is traced, the prerequisites and main stages of the military-organizational development of these armed formations are reproduced, their structure is analyzed, descriptions of uniforms and images of differences are submitted.