BOOKS - DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE - Непарадный Петербург наследие промышленной архитект...
Непарадный Петербург наследие промышленной архитектуры - Штиглиц М. С. 2021 PDF М. Прогресс-Традиция BOOKS DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE
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Непарадный Петербург наследие промышленной архитектуры
Author: Штиглиц М. С.
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 24 MB
Language: RU

The proposed book is dedicated to the valuable though least known area of ​ ​ architectural heritage of St. Petersburg. In it, the author, continuing his many years of research, examines in detail the processes of architectural development of a number of enterprises that have played an important role in the development of the domestic industry. The task is to expand the usual boundaries of ideas about St. Petersburg architecture, which, along with classical ensembles, forms the unique appearance of the northern capital.

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