BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Бомбардировщик-ракетоносец средней дальности Туполев Ту-16...
Бомбардировщик-ракетоносец средней дальности Туполев Ту-16К (КС) - Dale Volkov 2018 PDF IN ZIP АРХ | ВЕ «Уголок неба» BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Бомбардировщик-ракетоносец средней дальности Туполев Ту-16К (КС)
Author: Dale Volkov
Year: 2018
Number of pages: 17
File size: 1,42 MB
Language: RU

The beginning of work on the first domestic long-range aviation missile system (complex) based on the Comet KS-1 projectile began in 1947. The following took part in the works: - OKB-155 (under the leadership of A.I. Mikoyan, M.I. Gurevich was responsible for the topic, and A.Ya. Bereznyak was the direct supervisor of the work. The work was carried out first in OKB-155, then in the branch of OKB-155 and finally - MKB Raduga, the main developer of projectile aircraft for the ARC based on aircraft developed by OKB A.N. Tupolev), which created the projectile aircraft; - OKB-156 A.N. Tupolev, who was responsible for the carrier aircraft (in OKB-156, the topic was headed by the head of department "B" (weapons) A.V. Nadashkevich)...

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