BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Созависимость план восстановления. Как понять,принять ...
Созависимость план восстановления. Как понять,принять созависимость и освободиться от нее, пройдя 5 этапов - Маццола К. 2022 PDF Диалектика BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Созависимость план восстановления. Как понять,принять созависимость и освободиться от нее, пройдя 5 этапов
Author: Маццола К.
Year: 2022
Format: PDF
File size: 17 MB
Language: RU

Reading this book, you may feel anger about situations, family arrangements or cultural sensitivities that have contributed to your belief that you should stay small and quiet. Perhaps this led to the development of your interdependence. It's really important to let yourself feel that anger, but then remember that you now have a choice. The beginning of recovery is to declare your personal sense of strength in this world, as you are truly capable of changing your life, relationships with yourself and others. The first steps can be scary, like walking into a dark forest. However, this book, as a guiding star, will allow you to see the path that will really lead to interdependence and healthy relationships. You can say no. You can stop pleasing everyone and start setting boundaries. You can ask for what you need. Guided by this plan, you can love and be loved without sacrifice, freed from codependency. The codependency recovery plan gives you the opportunity to have a healthy and happy interdependent relationship. This actionable 5-step program is designed to help you get in touch with your true self, set and uphold personal boundaries, and feel confident communicating with other people.

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