BOOKS - Picturing the Scientific Revolution: Title Engravings in Early Modern Scienti...
Picturing the Scientific Revolution: Title Engravings in Early Modern Scientific Publications (Early Modern Catholicism and the Visual Arts) - Volker R. Remmert June 16, 2011 PDF  BOOKS
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Picturing the Scientific Revolution: Title Engravings in Early Modern Scientific Publications (Early Modern Catholicism and the Visual Arts)
Author: Volker R. Remmert
Year: June 16, 2011
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 14 MB
Language: English

This volume is an English translation, with slight changes to the text and the addition of several images, of Volker Remmert's study, first published in German in 2005, of the role of frontispieces, engravings, and visual emblems in early modern publications on the mathematical sciences. The author's selection of images is guided by two themes: the dispute over the Copernican system during the 17th century, and efforts to legitimize the mathematical sciences. Both Catholic, especially Jesuit, as well as Protestant scholars are studied, giving this work an appeal across the confessional divide.

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