BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Бомбардировщик-ракетоносец средней дальности Туполев Ту-16...
Бомбардировщик-ракетоносец средней дальности Туполев Ту-16 КСР - Dale Volkov 2018 PDF IN ZIP АРХ | ВЕ «Уголок неба» BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Бомбардировщик-ракетоносец средней дальности Туполев Ту-16 КСР
Author: Dale Volkov
Year: 2018
Number of pages: 27
File size: 59,52 MB
Language: RU

KS-1 OKB-155 began modernization of the projectile in the second half of the fifties. The work went in two directions: improving the control and guidance system and creating a version of the CS equipped with LRE. April 29, 1957. an order was issued by MAP, which instructed OKB-283 to develop on the basis of the latest Rubin-1 aircraft radar station a new Rubicon control and guidance system for CS and KSR projectiles. An experimental sample of the system was supposed to be ready in the third quarter of 1957. OKB A.N. Tupolev needed to prepare by July of the same year documentation for the re-equipment of the Tu-16KS carrier aircraft for the new system. During the design, the OKB-155 branch settled on the version of the CSR, equipped with LRE, as more...

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