BOOKS - Monitor and the Earth Mothers
Monitor and the Earth Mothers - Chris Reynolds May 19, 2014 PDF  BOOKS
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Monitor and the Earth Mothers
Author: Chris Reynolds
Year: May 19, 2014
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 2.1 MB
Language: English

Devastating Sci-Fi Comic strip.ENCYCLOPEDIA PLANETARIA 25-28-07-81ENTRY 010007: David Zune.PROGRAMMER David "D.Z." or "Dizzy" Zune was the computer programmer who installed proprietary software into the newly-acquired Manual Handling Ltd "EM - Earth Mother" robot series to prevent a renationalisation attempt. During this work, he notoriously extended the Earth Mothers' vocabulary. This new vocabulary included the alternative meaning of how to "take care" of someone. When the Zune Update went live at 00.01: 25-29-07-80 Planetary Standard Time, the Earth Mothers immediately realised that they had failed in their prime directive of and "taking care and " of the children in their charge...David Zune, Personal Habits and Affectations:Drove to work each day in a bright red fire engine. Trademark catchphrase,"Eggs over easy on rye!".See Manual Handling Ltd.See "Zune Update".

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