BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Оксфордская иллюстрированная энциклопедия. Т.8. Вселенная...
Оксфордская иллюстрированная энциклопедия. Т.8. Вселенная - ред. Арчи Рой 2000 PDF Москва. «Инфра – М», «Весь Мир». BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 6.49


Оксфордская иллюстрированная энциклопедия. Т.8. Вселенная
Author: ред. Арчи Рой
Year: 2000
Format: PDF
File size: 128.2 MB
Language: RU

This volume of the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia is dedicated to one of the most ancient and fascinating sciences - astronomy. The universe and its evolution, the structure of stars, the mysteries of distant galaxies, the remarkable discoveries of astronomers and space flights - an inquisitive reader will learn about all this and much more, who will be interested in descriptions of such unique phenomena as black holes, quasars, etc. Photographs, maps and diagrams give an idea of ​ ​ celestial objects and the powerful tools that scientists own when observing them.

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